How to Avoid Computer and Internet Addiction
by jrdiaz
A lot of people link addiction only to illegal drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. But are you aware that there are other addictions a person can experience and suffer from?
by jrdiaz
A lot of people link addiction only to illegal drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. But are you aware that there are other addictions a person can experience and suffer from?
Some of these addictions include gambling, shopping, watching pornography, work, and using computer and the Internet.
It is truly amazing how many kinds of things we allow to dominate us. We are supposed to rule, control, and master them, but they often rule us. In other words, we become addicted to them.
Let’s talk about computers and the Internet. They are a necessity for today’s generation. Computers and the Internets are needed in the workplace, in school, and at home. The Internet provides easy access to a gold mine of information.
You can communicate with friends all over the world while at home, in the office, in malls and at airports with wifis.
Furthermore, you can shop, bank or pay your bills online. You can watch and share video clips, download or upload almost anything you like from YouTube. With the Internet, news, weather forecasts, and sports are just a click away.
But the Internet has its downside too. When you become so attached to the computer that you start to live in an artificial world, your physical, emotional and spiritual health is in danger.
Obviously, computers can provide entertainment and enjoyment. However, some computer users become obsessed with the computer and the Internet that they would rather miss regular meals than miss the Internet.
Computer addiction occurs when the computer consumes someone’s entire social life. It happens when you are neglecting family and friends and /or responsibilities in order to be on line. It is a growing health problem.
Scientific studies show that computer addiction affects the brain in pretty much the same way as drug addiction changes the brain chemistry by stimulating the reward circuit of the brain. As human beings, we are likely to repeat doing the things we find rewarding. Like eating chocolates or ice cream, we tend to eat more than the required amount. The same thing with computer, we tend to stay in the computer longer than intended with perverted thinking and uncontrolled behavior.
Computer addiction, therefore, is a serious matter. Don’t take it for granted. Many have lost a loved one or their work because of computer addiction.
So how do you know that you have too much of computer or the Internet? Symptoms of a user with computer addiction include the following:
• Crave computer time
• Overjoyed when at the computer
• Unable to stop computer activity
• Irritable when not at the computer
• Neglects family and friends
• Problems at work or school
• Crave computer time
• Overjoyed when at the computer
• Unable to stop computer activity
• Irritable when not at the computer
• Neglects family and friends
• Problems at work or school
Knowing these early signs and symptoms of computer and Internet addiction in spouse, in your children, or even yourself is of extreme importance. We need to be aware of the warning signs of addiction.
So, how would you avoid computer and Internet addiction? Here are some good suggestions:
1. Change your mind.
You need to change your mind because nothing changes until your mind changes. Computer and Internet addiction is a condition of the mind that habitually surrenders oneself to computer and the Internet. That’s why you need to change your mind-set to overcome this addiction.
2. Parents should be role models for their children.
2. Parents should be role models for their children.
If you want your kids to do something, let them see you doing it. It is called values. Whatever you value, your kids will value. If you value Internet browsing 8 hours a day, they will also value it. Your children will usually do what you do, not what you said. So set the right example on how to use the computer and the Internet properly.
3. Put computer in a common place.
As parents, we need to put computer in a common place in the house like the living room so that we can easily keep an eye on our children’s use, thus helping them avoid visiting undesirable websites and the excessive use of it.
4. Have family meals at the table at regular times.
We need to plan for family activities and develop healthy relationship with our kids during these family meals. This will help our children not to neglect family, friends, and responsibilities in order to be online.
5. Limit computer use.
Do not stay in the computer longer than intended. List the things you need in the web, set an alarm clock to be sure you get off when it sounds. Stick to your set time. Avoid sleeping late because of Internet browsing. Go to bed on time to get a good night’s rest.
In conclusion, we can say that computer and the Internet are no doubt necessities. But they could also ruin lives and relationships if not handled responsibly.
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Being a service recipient of an Australian broadband service provider, I should see to it that my kids won't suffer internet addiction.